[SONG] Jay-Z, BIG, & Faith Evans - Had a Dream (Brotherhood Remix)
I was introduced to a product in my International Business Relations Class.
The product: Microsoft Surface
Official page link: http://www.microsoft.com/surface/
Video link: http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid932579976?bclid=932553050&bctid=933742930
So, i was thinking about this product while i was watching television and looking at my table. I thought to myself, is this product gonna be the next generation? will it really help us make things easier and is it stable enough to handle the things it's suppose to?
BUT most importantly...how secure is it?
Microsoft is known to produce products that are, well, 'full of loop holes' so to say. I trust that the product, in time, will defiantly be a great advantage to our lives but with all the backdoors and in-security in the internet world, many may be reluctant to use it. I know i would defiantly be reluctant to use it , in it's initial stages.
It's already so easy to steal passwords, credit card info and whatever personal details on your pc from the internet. What makes the surface so secure? I hope Microsoft has a way to go around this and make surface much more secure. If not, i believe many of the techies out there would feel more secure with the traditional methods.
The Microsoft surface is no doubt the next generation to the advancement of technology and the way we live, but it's too soon. With people always finding ways to crack products from multi-national corporations and such, it will defiantly be a hot targeted product. Who's to know if our credit card numbers are secure? Even at home, making online purchases, is a high risk, but people still do it. Why? Convenience! this is why surface will not flop on the market.
It is cool that we can makes payments by placing our cards on a table, read memory cards, view photos and files and such, without having to actually use a PC/laptop. However, it still goes back to my initial question...How safe is it? It's even more unsafe with surface when we don't need a signature for verification. Plus, anyone with the brains and resources to start making fake cards for purchases can no doubt do a lot of damage. At least with online purchases, people still have to enter a CVX number to verify and proof of identity for collection. Though it may seem like minimal security, it's better than nothing, rather than just placing our card on a table, verify and go!
We all know hackers and virus' will be around, but how can we minimize the activity and keep our personal details and files secure? Whoever finds away to make the internet secure and free of harm, will not doubt, turn the world around. Until then, happy surfing!
Microsoft surface - will defiantly be a big hit, just for how long and when?
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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