[Song] JJ Lin - Sa Rong Hae Yo...it's great! enjoy it!
i had something important i wanted to blog about but something fucked up happened to me the other day, which just can't wait! so i will blog about it another time!
let's start with IMF..
today was the first day of the International Monetary Fund/World Bank Event! i am now attached to Raffles Hotel! it's a beautiful, old style, hotel! it's one of the best in singapore and it's damn expensive! anyhoo...we didn't do much cuz well..there are no delegates here yet! so, the army personnel allowed us to walk around raffles city..from 10:30 to 2! omg it was so boring! lol! i hope it will be like this throughout the whole event, but sad to say, i really doubt it!
okay, on with the news!
my dad landed in singapore on Sat. night around 12pm! we went back to my place to drop off the luggage and throughout the whole taxi ride, he kept saying he was disappointed in me! disappointed that i've become a smoker, a heavy one at that! so, all i could do is just say...nothing! what am i suppose to say? no i don't smoke? plz, he knows and he isn't going to start playing stupid with me!
i'm fucking old enough to make my own decisions, DAD, so plx just leave me the fuck alone! and my mom too! all of y'all are just out to piss me off and fuck me up! i seem to never have a say in my life! this is why i never treated u 2 fuck faces like my own parents...i always and forever i'm alive, will just treat u 2 like friends...friends i don't really cherish!
back to my story!
after we came back to drop off his luggage we went to Clarke quay to find a place to get a drink! is it me? or is clarke quay just dead as hell! everything seemed to be closing at around 1 to 2..! we couldn't even find a decent place to get a beer...we ended up at Hooters having something to eat and a beer! then, out of no surprise, we headed home, cuz the night scene just spoiled the whole day!
sunday afternoon, we headed to Wisma Atria! we had lunch at Food Republic and then headed shopping! my dad went nuts as usual, and spent about S$1000 at Armani Jeans! after we headed to G2000 cuz i told him i needed to buy a suit! he almost bought me one from D&G which cost like S$1,400! luckily he didn't! i wouldn't know how to treat him after if he did!
so i went to try on the blazer and pants! when the lady was taking my alteration measurements, some fuck face bitch, went into my change room and stole my wallet and cell!
FUCK MAN! i was so pissed! i was out for 10min and i was like 2 feet away from the bloody change room! the fucking nerve of some ppl! omg..they went in to the changroom, reached into my pants and jooked my shit! fine take the phone and money! i didn't have much cash anyways! but fuck, leave me my ID, ATM/Creidt Cards, and student pass! now i gotta go through so much shit just to get them replaced! the fucking nerve of some ppl! yes, i know! i use to be a thief! but i never never stole anything that wasn't vauable! like what the hell are u going to do with my ID and shit? seriously...i was so lost for words and this is singapore for christ sakes! it's suppose to be the most fucking safest country in the world! now my whole perspective on singapore has changed, DRASTICALLY!
so, after spending time in the security of wisma and at the orchard police station to make a theft report! i went to buy a sim card at singtel! who knew they made my day worst, by not allowing me to purchase a pre-paid sim card! they wanted identification and boy when i couldn't get my sim card then, i just lost it and i ended up shouting at the singtel lady! i know it was wrong on my part, but i just couldn't help it! i had a fucking bad ass day already! so to the singtel lady, i'm sorry! though i know u will never be able to read this! so ya..just screw it!
i went home to get my passport so i could go purchase a card and my dad stayed in orchard to do more shopping! i left for 45min and when i came back...the idiot went to spend an additional S$3000! so by the time he left singapore, early monday morning, he spent close to S$4500 on clothes and other miscellaneous items!
he was kind enough to buy stuff in HK for me, supposively, but i know his pattern! he will buy what can fit him, then tell me, that it's for me! when i can't wear it, he'll just go, nevermind, i'll take it then! holy shit! i ask him to get me a few tees and stuff and he can't even do that! what a so-called "father"! i know it's mean to ask for stuff, but like 1 or 2 items would be fine! i ended up taking some stuff that can fit, but it's abit tight, just to be a bit greedy! i know i'm a bad son! but he deserves it! the way he treated me when i was a kid, this is pay back my friend!
so after coming back home...he turned my whole fucking house upside down and inside out! he did 4 sets of laundry, wet my whole kitchen floor and i couldn't even walk in the living room! i'm still in the process of cleaning up after his mess! luckily he's gone! i had the best smoke of my left this morning when i saw him take off in the cab! fucking bbbeeaauutttiiiffuulll smoke!
so THX DAD for coming by and giving me hell for a day! it was so oh-so-fun! and thx for the 2 pairs of shoes, the few clothes u gave me and oh ya, the time lecturing me on "how to live my life" was oh so great! how can i ever repay u? hm...by not seeing u again, would be great! or or or...just don't come to singapore anymore!
but i am really really grateful for the cash u left me (non-sarcastic)! this is for real! cash is king and well i'm not a greedy fucker, i'm just trying to get back what u owe me from my childhood..the years of pain and suffering and most importantly...growing up without u by my side! in many ways i thank u for that but in many ways i don't! where were u for father, son day? my many birthdays u missed? hm..oh yes...how u put mom in the hospital for 2 nights? hm..well thx for letting me see ur true colours early...letting me grow on my own and learn everything i know today by myself! and well just making me who i am today!
so...after reading this long ass entry...u must be thinking! is Richie crazy? angry? mad? selfish? greedy? *shake head* NOPE! i'm fine...perfectly capable of handling my own business! i don't need my rents or any sort of family! i just need me and my capabilities to survive! my friends and hopefully i can find a loved one, to live and carry on with my life. Hopefully, i won't have anyone pesturing me from behind telling me to do this or do that! i just can't handle ppl telling me what i can or can't do in my life...work/school is fine...just let me live the way i choose to..if i die young, it's my fault. I'll blame no one, except myself, which i'm perfectly fine and capable of doing! i'm old enough to diffrenciate rights and wrongs and take responsiblities for my own actions!
i'm gone! peace!
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago
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