w00t w00t!!!
2 more days to go til I'm on a plane, headed to Jakarta!
It is a much and long anticipated trip. A well deserved one at that too! Work has just been beating me to death, so I'm gonna make the best of this vacation time! I think the last trip I took was to Malaysia during Chinese New Year's...hm...Yup...a few months ago..Christ! I need to get out of the COUNTRY ASAP!
Been hearing a lot of things about Jakarta and I'm so looking forward to eating crap loads of food, hanging with Nove and her friends. It will definitely be a memorable trip and experience.
Had to prepare some stuff, but now that it's done, I can just relax, pack, head to the airport and BOOM...I'm on a plane leaving Singapore. Of course not forgetting to stop by the DFS first haha!
I wonder what's installed for me..I wonder what Nove's got on her mind? (lol)
One of my friend's said to just eat as much as possible cuz the food is just amazing and CHEAP aswell...but i worry of course...I'm afraid i won't be able to fit into my work clothes or yet alone my pyjamas afterwards!!
Oh well...what's a vacation without eating, sleeping and shopping right? If no one can recognize me after I return, then well, so be it =P
I'll be back next monday, more or less, so stay tuned to pictures and updates =)
Peace y'all.
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago