I thought I would share some videos from the WongFu Tour in Canada.
Places visited were: Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Edmonton; Scarborough, Toronto; Toronto St. George and the WORLD FAMOUS...Pacific Mall (lol)
I thought it would be nice for you to all get a glimpse of Canada, cuz a lot of the sceneries and stuff is probably quite hard to find elsewhere. It was great watching these as it seems like it's a part of me. It makes me miss home and reminisce about my past.
I hope you enjoy the clips as much as i did. Watch out for more WongFu Productions Work on their website @ http://www.wongfuproductions.com
Visit http://www.youtube.com/wongfuproductions for more of their Tour clips from the States and other video shorts, trailers, MVs and Vblog.
I'll be ordering their DVD movie "A Moment With You" soon..I can't wait for it's arrival. I hear a lot of good reviews and well i guess it's all about Asian pride and support at the end of the day =) haha I'm so Chinese lol.
Enjoy the clips: peace!
Wong Fu On Tour - Episode 13 - UBC, Vancouver
Wong Fu On Tour - Episode 14 - Calgary, Alberta
Wong Fu On Tour - Episode 15 - Edmonton
Wong Fu On Tour - Episode 16 - Toronto Scarborough
Wong Fu On Tour - Episode 17 - Toronto St. George
Wong Fu On Tour - Episode 18 - Pacific Mall
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago