FINALLY!!!!! projects are over! no more stressing! but the worst is yet to come! EXAMS EXAMS EXAMS!
argh..what can i say? i mean that's life right? unless i choose not to study and do well then i can just sleep and slack all day with no potential career oppportunities ya better work hard now, relax later hahaha!
anyways...i think our history presentation went quite smooth, though me and alan didn't really know our content haha! thx alot to xiumin for doing the powerpoint! liang, amanda, susu thx for everything in the support!
on to other news...
ytd i went to the gym with thomas, elliott and liang! it was a great workout! it's been like 6 months since i entered a gym so ys i'm pretty much feeling the after effects right now! my whole upper body is sore and i have to squat down half way to was my hair haha! it's so damn they say... no pain no gain! after we headed to yishun for dinner...i bought a nike bag at $75.00...i love it..plain and simple...just divine!
later i'll be headed shopping with liang, well for me it will be window shopping haha! and hopefully we can find time to head to suba to visit thomas, elliott and jude at work!
gotta go do laundry now so i'm out..peace!
See What Show: Wonderland
6 months ago